Welcome to Equity Health Services - Empowering Health Equity for All
At Equity Health Services, we stand united in our mission to champion health equity by providing accessible, inclusive, and high-quality healthcare services. Our commitment is firmly rooted in the belief that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, deserves the opportunity to achieve optimal health and well-being.
Our Services
Equity Health Services provides medical laboratory testing for blood, urinalysis, COVID-19, and Flu Tests. All samples collected are sent to the same accredited laboratories that your family physician would normally use. Your family physician will receive your results in the same manner as if you were to visit Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL).
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About Equity Health

Equity Health Services is not just any Canadian healthcare company. Based in Alberta, we pride ourselves on providing an unparalleled level of strategic and operational healthcare solutions – not just for government or Indigenous communities, but also for a diverse range of private sector industries

Quality care is at the forefront of everything we do, and we are passionate about enhancing the well-being of our clients.

Lab Services

Chemistry; Hematology; Microbiology

Viral Testing

Covid and Respiratory Viral Panel.


Equity Health Services plans to invest in the establishment of the first comprehensive Theranostic Facility in Calgary, Canada. The facility will house state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging (i.e. PET Scanners, CPEC/CT, PET/MR), two Cyclotrons, a radio-pharmacy, and cutting-edge radio nucleotide-based treatments.

Smart Solutions

Emergency infrastructure, consultations, e-commerce solutions and more.